Call for Papers

Share your knowledge.

Shape the Connectors User Congress

The Connectors User Congress is the first and only event in Europe that is exclusively, practically and in depth dedicated to the diverse topics and challenges involved in the use of connectors in industry, automation technology, automotive, telecom and data technology as well as medical technology.

Submit a meaningful summary of your topic (maximum one A4 page) in German or English using the form attached below.

Please note: The submission deadline for the Call for Papers has expired. The programme committee is currently designing the congress programme, which will be published shortly.

Target group of the event

This practice-oriented conference is aimed at engineers, designers, technicians and industrial engineers from electronics and device development, application engineering, quality assurance, production planning, purchasing and component approval, technical and product management and distribution.

The following speakers are invited

Experts from industry, research and teaching as well as experienced users are invited to pass on their know-how and present new findings and concepts.

We are looking for presentations on the following topics

Connection technology

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Materials and Surfaces

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EMC and Signal Integrity

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Special Requirements for Connectors

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Trends in Electrical Interfaces

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Environmental Requirements

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Suggestions for further topics are welcome.

Programmbeirat Anwenderkongress Steckverbinder

Program Advisory Board (from left to right): Sascha Vehling (Phoenix Contact), Kristin Rinortner (ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS), Herbert Endres (EndresConsult) Bernd Sporer (Emerson Automation Solutions), Dr. Helmut Katzier (Engineering office for assembly and connection technology)

As a speaker, do you want to share your expertise with the participants? Then submit a presentation proposal by December 31, 2024 at the latest. Your abstract should be around 1000 characters long (no images) and describe the topic of the presentation in technical terms. Only presentations that address technical, technological, standardization-relevant or user-related aspects of the topics mentioned will be accepted. Marketing-oriented contributions, association or company presentations cannot be considered.

Please plan your talk so that it does not exceed 25 minutes in length. After your presentation, there should be at least 5 minutes time for a question and answer session with the participants.

Do you have any questions about the call for papers? Please feel free to contact us.

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